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Image Ottawa
Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is a charming and historic city that offers a wealth of cultural and natural attractions for tourists. Located in Ontario, Ottawa is a popular destination for history buffs, outdoor enthusiasts, and foodies. One of the main attractions in Ottawa is the Parliament Hill, home to the Canadian Parliament and several historic buildings. Visitors can take a guided tour of the buildings or attend the Changing of the Guard ceremony, a daily ritual during the summer months. Ottawa is also home to numerous museums and galleries, including the National Gallery of Canada and the Canadian Museum of History, which showcase Canadian art, culture, and history.
The city's charming neighborhoods, such as Byward Market and the Glebe, offer a variety of shopping and dining experiences, including local specialties such as BeaverTails and poutine. Experience cheap flights to Ottawa. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Ottawa.

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