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Image Lyon
Lyon is a beautiful city located in the southeast of France. It is famous for its historic landmarks, picturesque architecture, and culinary delights. As a tourist destination, Lyon has a lot to offer visitors of all ages and interests. The city's old town, known as Vieux Lyon, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is home to many historic buildings and narrow cobbled streets. Visitors can wander through the winding alleys and marvel at the stunning Renaissance architecture, including the stunning Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière, which sits atop a hill overlooking the city.
Lyon is also known for its food scene, and visitors can enjoy delicious French cuisine at one of the many traditional bouchons, which serve up hearty dishes like sausages and stews, washed down with local wines. Experience cheap flights to Lyon. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Lyon.

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