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Image Kochi
Kochi, also known as Cochin, is a popular tourist destination located in the southwestern part of India. It is a beautiful port city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and scenic beauty. Kochi is a melting pot of various cultures, and this is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, and festivals. One of the main attractions in Kochi is the Fort Kochi area, which is a historical neighborhood that has several tourist spots. The area is famous for its colonial-era architecture, including the Santa Cruz Basilica and the St. Francis Church. The Dutch Palace, also known as Mattancherry Palace, is another popular attraction in the area that features beautiful murals and exhibits.
The Chinese Fishing Nets, located along the coast, are a unique attraction in Kochi. These are large fishing nets that were introduced by Chinese traders centuries ago and are still in use today. Visitors can watch the fishermen use the nets to catch fish and even try their hand at it. Experience cheap flights to Kochi. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Kochi.

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