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Image Kota Kinabalu
Kota Kinabalu, also known as KK, is the capital city of the state of Sabah in Malaysia. Located on the northwest coast of Borneo Island, it is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant markets, and diverse cultural attractions.One of the main attractions in Kota Kinabalu is the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, which consists of five islands with white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters perfect for snorkeling, diving, and other water activities. The park is easily accessible from the city and is a popular day trip destination.
Kota Kinabalu is also home to the majestic Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak in Southeast Asia. Climbing the mountain is a challenging but rewarding experience for adventurous travelers. Experience cheap flights to Kota Kinabalu. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Kota Kinabalu.

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