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Image Konya
Konya is a city located in the central region of Turkey and is widely known for its historical and cultural significance. As a tourist destination, Konya offers a unique experience with its rich Islamic heritage, beautiful architecture, and world-famous landmarks.The city is famously known as the final resting place of the renowned Sufi mystic, poet, and philosopher Rumi, and his mausoleum attracts thousands of visitors every year. Additionally, Konya is home to many other historical sites, such as the Alaaddin Mosque, the Karatay Medrese, and the Mevlana Museum.
Konya is also famous for its whirling dervishes, who perform a mesmerizing dance that has become a symbol of Turkish culture. Visitors can witness this traditional dance at the Mevlana Cultural Center. Experience cheap flights to Konya. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Konya.

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