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Image Ankara
Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and a popular tourist destination for those interested in history, culture, and politics. The city is home to many museums, including the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, which houses artifacts from the prehistoric era to the Ottoman period. The Atakule Tower, a modern landmark, offers a panoramic view of the city. The Mausoleum of Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, is another significant attraction, with its impressive architecture and exhibits.
The city is also known for its food, including traditional Turkish cuisine and street food, as well as its bustling bazaars, where visitors can shop for souvenirs and locally made goods. Overall, Ankara offers a unique blend of ancient and modern culture, making it an intriguing destination for tourists. Experience cheap flights to Ankara. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Ankara.

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