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Image Pattaya
Pattaya is a popular beach resort city located on the east coast of Thailand, about 150 kilometers southeast of Bangkok. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, lively nightlife, and wide range of activities for visitors.Some of the top attractions in Pattaya include its stunning beaches, including Pattaya Beach, Jomtien Beach, and Naklua Beach. Visitors can enjoy a range of water sports, such as jet skiing, parasailing, and banana boating, or simply relax on the white sand beaches.
Pattaya is also home to a variety of attractions and activities, such as the Sanctuary of Truth, a stunning wooden temple that blends traditional Thai architecture with contemporary design. Other popular activities include visiting the Pattaya Floating Market, exploring the Pattaya Elephant Village, or visiting the Pattaya Tiger Zoo. Experience cheap flights to Pattaya. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Pattaya.

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