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Image Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai is a city in northern Thailand that is popular among tourists for its rich cultural heritage, stunning temples, and natural beauty. The city is surrounded by lush green mountains and is home to over 300 temples, giving it the nickname "The Rose of the North."Some of the top attractions in Chiang Mai include the historic Old City, which is surrounded by ancient walls and moats, and is home to some of the city's most impressive temples, such as Wat Phra Singh and Wat Chedi Luang. Visitors can also explore the city's many markets, including the famous Night Bazaar, where they can find everything from handicrafts to traditional Thai clothing and souvenirs.
Chiang Mai is also known for its beautiful natural attractions, including Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, which offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can also explore the nearby Mae Sa Valley, which is home to waterfalls, hot springs, and elephant sanctuaries. Experience cheap flights to Chiang Mai. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Chiang Mai.

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