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Image Bergen
Bergen is a picturesque city located on the western coast of Norway and is known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and colorful wooden houses. Surrounded by seven hills and seven fjords, the city offers a unique blend of urban attractions and outdoor activities. One of the top attractions in Bergen is the Bryggen Wharf, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that features colorful wooden houses, restaurants, and shops. Another must-see attraction is the Fløibanen funicular, which takes visitors to the top of Mount Fløyen for panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscape.
Visitors to Bergen can also explore the city's museums, such as the KODE Art Museums, which house several art collections and exhibitions, and the Hanseatic Museum, which showcases the city's history as a trading hub. Experience cheap flights to Bergen. Find best deals at Snagout for flight tickets and cheap hotels in Bergen.

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